Relationship blog

Relationship blog

måndag 17 juni 2013

Keeping Your Love Fresh and Alive By Sharing Baby Pictures and Childhood Stories

Share Baby Pictures and Childhood Stories

There's a reason your mom trots out your baby pictures.  You were really cuddly, sweet and innocent back then.  There's something elemental and basic about seeing who you were then.

You may be feeling a little silly about sharing your early stories, but if you show your partner a little about who you were then, he or she will know more about you and who you've become.

This is not a time for sharing the dysfunction and abuse you suffered as a child, if there was any.  Instead, you want to share the charm and nostalgia of your childhood.

If you are comfortable, consider sharing a childhood photo album with your sweetheart with your mom and dad.  They will undoubtedly have some memories to share that you won't think of.  This won’t work for every couple though.  If you feel that your parents or family has a hidden agenda, then stay clear.

Also, this is not the time to bring up the story of every date you went out on in your life.  This is a time for bonding together not growing apart.

However it is perfectly fine to show pictures of your early teens and the early teen boyfriends. As you know these pictures could be a bit gawky and somewhat embarrassing but your true love will see them as another part of you they didn't know until now.

Breaking out the junior high and senior high school year books is another way to keep your love fresh and alive. This may be especially effective if you and your true love are still together all these year later. The memories of your early discovery of each other can really bring forth a lot of laughs and maybe even a few tears as your love grew for each other.

Now a word of caution needs to be offered at this time. Be careful about showing the pictures of you and someone else that may have had a short lived fling in junior and senior high. Especially if your true love still has some lingering resentment over it.
Ps. Sharing is caring and here is how =>>>

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