Relationship blog

Relationship blog

söndag 17 maj 2015

What Men Really Think About Your Body

This may come as a shock to you but guys have different eyeballs than you do.
You know why I’m saying that?
Because when YOU look at yourself in the mirror, you see that front tooth that’s a bit crooked, the line where your bra presses in (you call this your “back fat”), the too-small breasts or the too-wide rear, your goofy knees, funny toes…. The list goes on and on.
But you know what your MAN sees? A woman he’d love to strip naked and get busy with right this instant, maybe sooner.

My personal body part confession…

Maybe you have a muffin top “thing,” but I used to HATE my feet.
When I was a teenager, I had surgery on my big toes (bunions, it’s such an ugly word!!) and for the next 20 years I zealously covered my feet. I never EVER owned a pair of sandals or open-toed shoes and would have died before I let a man openly look at my feet.
I have a big scar running the length of both big toes. My second toe is longer. My feet are… wanky. You know. Ugh, I could make myself MISERABLE thinking about my feet.
Shockingly, amazingly, wonderfully, I found a man actually willing (he would say, desperate!) to marry me.
I hope you’re laughing now, but at the time, I found it next to impossible to think about what kind of man would marry me “even with these feet.”

3 ways MEN see your body…

If you asked my man which of my physical attributes attracted him, it’s really hard for him to move past the standard T&A answer you’d probably get from any man. You can almost see a physical effort as he drags his sex-craving brain past the chest, past the butt, and FINALLY he’ll tell you something like, “She has gorgeous shoulders…”
I bet he didn’t even know I had scars on my feet for the first 10 years we were married.
Here’s the thing: Men see your body in three ways, and it’s nothing like the way you see yourself.

1. They see what makes you WOMANLY

This means when they look at you they instantly notice the things about your body that make you uniquely a woman. Breasts, hips, ass, curves… Even the way you walk. It’s nearly impossible for a red-blooded heterosexual male to notice anything before they read the parts of your body that say: I am a woman.
Your arm flaps do not make this list. Your cellulite does not make this list. Your stretch marks do not make this list. Sorry.

2. They see what makes you UNIQUE

That chipped tooth you hate? They think it’s kind of charming. The muffin top? They can’t see it because it’s too near your ass, which they think is the finest thing in nine counties. Do you think your lips are too thin? They just love it when you smile at them. (And truthfully, when they think about your lips on their body, they are NOT thinking “Oh her lips are too thin.” I PROMISE.)
Thinking Of You
What Men Really Think About Your Body
If guys notice a particular body part of yours that you think makes you hideous (and I guarantee you they would never use that term) they just think it makes you uniquely…you! And since it’s YOU they are desperate for, they want that part of you as much as the others.

3. They see what you constantly draw their attention to

This is where you have the power to rock or ruin a relationship.
When you constantly complain about your own body, a man’s desire to enjoy and love you are being eroded a little at a time. In other words, you’re rejecting him. He thinks, “I could touch her body all day,” and you say, “I’m too flabby.” You’re not only tearing yourself down, you’re tearing HIM – his thoughts, his desires for you, his excitement about you – down.
And it works the other way, too. Show off your pedicure (I do, now!), go sleeveless, wear that backless dress, and ruthlessly tease him with the body he absolutely adores.

A man loves a REAL woman

Of course he looks at the naked, “perfect” girls in the magazine or online. And of course you’re bombarded with “perfect” skinny chicks on the runway or the billboard.
But a picture of perfection – whether it’s real or not – is no competition whatsoever for a living, breathing, fragrant woman sitting next to a man at a restaurant. Or pressed slightly against him in the elevator. Perfection can go hang; you are up close and personal.
Stepford wives are creepy. You can be assured that while he might fantasize about a playmate of the month, he’ll take a real woman over a figment of his imagination EVERY time.

Celebrate your body (and let him do it, too)!

Of course you want to invest time and energy into a healthy, beautiful body. But meanwhile, don’t let your own issues with your body drive him away. You deserve all the fabulous man-attention as he wants to give you!

How to make a man fall in love with you

Maybe you’re still waiting for that amazing guy to come along… Is there anything YOU can do to get him here and in your life, right now? Listen to the story of how one woman “tamed” renowned relationship expert Michael Fiore, and almost magically got HIM to decide it was time to stop playing the field.

→ Get your “bad boy” (or ANY man) to fall for you

No ultimatums. No begging and pleading. No crying. In this video, Michael lays out the absolute truth about what men 
really want and NEED from a woman for them to be able to give EVERYTHING to her…

About Claire Casey

Claire Casey has spent years traveling the sometimes dazzling, sometimes dark and rocky paths that connect the hearts of men to the women they love. As a lifelong writer, she has studied and written about the ways men and women grow (or destroy) love. Unlike the spotlight-loving, entertainment-based celebrity relationship coaches, Claire isn’t a model or a TV spokesperson, and she doesn’t have a lot of academic letters after her name… She just quietly empowers women to attract the kind of man who will treasure and protect a woman’s heart like the rare and beautiful gem it is.
Claire is the author of the bestselling online program “Capture His Heart and Make Him Love You Forever.”

fredag 15 maj 2015

Is Your Marriage on the Rocks? 7 Questions to Ask Yourself

Is Your Marriage on the Rocks? 7 Questions to Ask Yourself

- by Tony Mase

© Tony Mase - All Rights Reserved

There's good news and bad news when it comes to today's
marriages. On the bright side, the divorce rate has gone
down a bit. However, the number of unhappy marriages has
gone up - meaning couples are "trying to stick it out",
rather than get divorced.

Why are so many people staying in marriages that make them
miserable? Some do it for the kids. Others don't want to be
associated with the stigma of divorce. Others just hate
admitting they made a mistake when they walked down the

When a marriage goes south, it's not something that happens
all at once or on one day. Instead, it can be a lengthy
process that's painful on both sides. Usually, both husband
and wife first refuse to believe their marriage is in real
trouble. Unfortunately, though, the longer a bad marriage
drags on, the worse it is for everyone involved. In these
cases, husband and wife have been miserable for so long they
just can't be amicable.

So, how do you know if your marriage is in trouble? Ask
yourself these 7 questions:

1. Do you have fun together?

Remember the good 'ol days, when it seemed like you and your
spouse could have done anything together and made it fun?
Even something like a trip to the dentist was more enjoyable
if the other one was there! But, now, if it seems like every
night out is a disaster - and you would have been better off
just staying home - you could have a problem. After all,
your spouse is supposed to be your best friend. If you don't
enjoy your time together, that's a bad sign.

2. Are you happier when your spouse isn't around?

If you've gone way past not having fun together and you only
feel like you can relax and unwind when your spouse isn't
home, your marriage is in trouble.

3. Has your sex life become non-existent?

This is a classic example of a troubled marriage - and one
of the most common issues talked about in marriage
counseling. Even worse, it may be a sign one of you is
having an affair.

Ladybug sitting on sunflower

4. Have compliments gone by the wayside?

When you first got married, your spouse probably told you
how nice you looked or what a great job you did with dinner.
If those compliments seem like a lifetime ago, there could
be a problem. And, if it seems like all of those compliments
have been replaced with criticisms - and neither of you
feels like you can do anything right - there's a definite

5. Do you always argue about the future?

If it seems like there's always turmoil whenever you discuss
anything beyond tomorrow, it could be a sign the two of you
just aren't on the same page.

6. Have you turned into the maid?

Don't underestimate the power of neatness! Many couples wind
up resenting each other if one is always cleaning up after
the other. And, if it seems like your spouse's messy habits
have gotten worse, you may feel like you're not being
respected - and that's a surefire sign your marriage is in

7. Are your spending habits totally different?

If one of you is a saver and the other is a spender, it can
lead to fights - especially if bills aren't getting paid.

If you're troubled by the answers to these questions, what
can you do?

If you think your marriage is in trouble, seek professional
help. Whether you talk to a therapist or get some advice in
books or online, the sooner you do it, the better. After
all, the longer you let your emotions fester, the higher
your chances of winding up with a marriage that simply can't
be fixed.


Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the publisher of the "A Powerful Life: The Lost
Writings of Wallace D. Wattles" ebook by Wallace D.

"A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles"
"Marital Unhappiness: A New Remedy" by Wallace D. Wattles
together with twenty-four other rare books and articles
written by Wallace D. Wattles.
Click Here Now =>


fredag 8 maj 2015

We Are Getting Back Together

We Are Getting Back Together
Author: Dick Scott

I think it´s about time to write about the possibility of getting back together because that is the name of my blog. Firstly and foremost this is of course applicable if you want her or him back.
So we assume you have separated and afterwards you start to feel really heart broken. Some time has passed so you have came through the worst pain in the separation process but still you have a strong feeling of that it´s a mistake to separate instead of solving the problems together.

I have three considerations and solutions that has been proved to be effective in the process of mending a broken heart and get back together again.


1. Be very clear and honest with yourself and your own feelings if this longing to be together again come from a sincere wish and not from some old sentimental memories.What do i mean by that? I mean that when we are heart broken and down we have a tendency to cling on to anything even if it´s not realistic. That is why i think it is of great importance to not rush back into something and then feel even worse next time he or she leave you, which infact will happen if your together on the wrong premise. But if enough time has passed and you still got a strong feeling of love to your ex you should consider to get back together again.

2. Decide to get down to the bottom with the reasons to your separation. If you leave those problems unsolved they will come back one way or the other. There may be one way to get around these problems and that is to really forgive each other for what has been devastating in your relationship. It is also important that each one of you take full responsibility for your part in the process and dont put the blame on someone else. If that forgiveness also contains to really forget and let go of former disagreements it would work.

We Are Getting Back Together

3. Dont let other people, friends and family decide for you in any way. No matter what you have been through together, if you decide to give it another chance it has to be solely your own decision. You cant let others opinion affect you in any way. Many of us cant separate others expectations on us from our own will. For example could your relatives hate your ex for what has happened and would never understand why and how you still love her. Remember that what your heart tells you is the truth and what others tell you is their opinion. It could also be that opposite way that everyone around you tell you what a wonderful person your ex was but noone has experienced what you did; never go back solely based on others opinion.

In closing i hope these three statements regarding the best ways to get her back will help you to sort out your own feelings so you can make the right decision. If that desicion is that you really still feel love then go for it with all of your heart and you will have a good chance to be happy together again.

Thanx for reading! more articles will follow....