Relationship blog

Relationship blog

söndag 31 mars 2013

Astonishing Review of The Magic of Making Up Course

One of my visions is to help people with serious relation problems though i have some experience from it. Im a Swedish Musician Poet and Reiki Master with a passion of helping people find peace and love within themselves and their relations.
I really think we are meant to live happily and in peace without having to struggle or cry in our daily life. Of course are these things also a part of life but they should not take control over us.
I know that small issues unfortunately can result in damage of trust between people even if they truly care for each other. Its never wise to hide something from your partner. Its much better to be straight to the point at once and get forgivness and mutual trust.
I have created blogs on these subjects where you can find good advice and articles:

Best Ways To Get Her Back

We Are Getting Back Together

Will My Ex Be Back

How To Get Lover Back

I Need My Ex BackTo Me Now

How To Text Your Ex Back

I know it can be tough to know where to get help that works and in my research i have found the man who created The Magic Of Making Up Course. It is so obvious that T.W Jackson know what he is doing as he has helped over 50 000 people from 77 countries to Make Up instead of Break Up. But please do not listen to me alone but let us read the following testimonials from some of the happy customers.
These and much more about how he can help you to get your life and your wife back can be found on
The Magic of Making Up website.
Before going over to the testimonials from the Magic Of Making Up Course i would like to share one of my poems with you...

To Fly Like An Eagle

To Dare Like A Bear

To Raise Like A Mountain

To Love Instead Of Fear

(Over 50,119 Customers In 77 Countries Have Used This Proven System!)

Works For Long Distance Relationships Too…

Just wanted to thank you and let you know how much you have helped me. I followed the [your guide] after a very bitter breakup of a two-year plus relationship (my first since my divorce from a21-year marriage). It started out being one of the most difficult things I have ever attempted in my life and after the initial two weeks I started feeling stronger each day and better about myself. My ex sent me an apology email three weeks in …By now, I had the strength to actually “sleep on it” and sent him a response the next day…within seconds he called me and asked to see me and was crying because he was glad I was talking to him. We are starting out very slowly again as friends (which is difficult for me since I am still deeply in love with him). An interesting note is this is a long distance relationship and your program still worked!! I am so happy to have him in my life again.
Thanks again,

Dating Again!

Just wanted to say thank you soooooooooo much for the amazing advice in your book the magic of making up. Yesterday was that all important First Date and it was absolutely fantastic… i just had an email from him saying what a great time he had and how he can’t believe how cool it was to be together. Also back when we split up, your book picked me up out of the mud when I was feeling the worst I ever felt in my life, and doing all the things you advised gave me a life line – now I am so much stronger and happier. I’m still going to take things slowly with my ex (I’m not at the end of your plan yet!!) but I can’t believe how well life is going only 2 months after I felt like I was half dead. Thank you so much.

Ex POPS The Question…

…just an email to say thanks for all the support and knowledge. my boyfriend has just proposed. we are the happiest we have ever been. wedding booked for 2011.
many thanks,

Talking Again…

Just wanted to say THANKS!!

Me and my ex are talking now. The letter thing worked, even though I thought it wouldn’t….


Best Money Ever Spent…

You are the best!!! After one day, again one day, my changed attitude had my ex calling and wanting to see me. I won’t take his calls but this showed me that the changes you showed me, worked…you have helped me more than you will ever know…

Thanks and keep up the good work. Best money I ever spent!!!


Casey gets his girl back!

I have good news, my ex did get back with me! She said to me the guy she went out with before was a cover up and she was lying to herself the whole time. Thanks for the support.


Married Again…

got him back we were married again on the 25th of January ….


Not A Scam…

I am beside myself that something actually came of this…
I was SO skeptical putting in $39 to an e-book. I was positive it would be a waste of money, and there wouldn’t even be a book as promised.
PLEASE make it clear somewhere on your page that this is NOT A SCAM and that there are 62 PAGES FOR THIS BOOK, PLUS BONUSES.
I was beside myself.
Thank you so much…

“Impossible Not To Work”

Just wanted to let you know your advice is so rational and so sound… At such a horrible and tough time it is reassuring to read the correct way to handle yourself and go about respecting someone’s wishes (a breakup) but at the same time try to get them back. A lot of people don’t realize how simple and easy it is, patience is a virtue and because of you … I am now dating the love of my life again, we were together for 4 years, split for only 2 1/2 months and are now back together. I did what you… told me was the ONLY option and it worked. If it is true love and meant to be, your advice is impossible not to work. Thanks for the guidance. You’re a good man!

“On her hands and knees”

well it tool some time but i got my girl back. she pretty [much] got down on her hands and knees coming back to me thanks buddy.


Talking Like Friends Again!

I have just downloaded the materials from the website. I am eager to read and learn.
Just from the video via your website, before attaining the reading materials, I
talked with my ex yesterday for 40 MINUTES!! It has been months since we have
talked that long like friends. He even hinted around that we could have a
Thanks for the free advice and I can’t wait to get to reading!!
I’ll keep in touch.


Back Together…

Guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i took your advice and my ex- boyfriend and i are back together again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and thanks 4 the advice AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Back Together…Effortlessly…

I am happy to report that my Ex and I are now happily back together. I have to say it was effortlessly done! I thank you for all of your great information.


Pleasantly Surprised…

I have received your guide entitled The Magic of Making Up and was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the advice contained therein…[removed due to sensitive nature]

“Dude It’s Working…”

DUUDE ITS WORKING MAN. After a few weeks of being cool and ok with it, i said we should be friends, and now shes saying im going to give you another chance to get to know me, and if im paying attention to her like i said i would, then ill find the right time to ask her out… thank you!

Can’t Believe This Worked…


Planning A Beach Getaway!

Just wanted to thank you for all your help! Your book is amazing and got my man and I back together within a few weeks of reading it. Now to clarify, it had already been some time since we had even spoken to each other, and I was really starting to miss him. I read your instructions very carefully and fallowed them to the tee, and it worked! … I could not have done it without you! We are now blissfully celebrating are Birthdays together, and are even planning a beach getaway just us two.
Thank you sooooo much!!!

Finally Married!!

thanks for all you help and encouraging words,quotes and what to do. He proposed and we are finally married thank you very much.

Another “OMG!!! This Works” Note…

OMG!!! This totally worked….nothing I had tried worked and then I texted him that message and he returned my call!! I cannot wait to see where this goes….

Broke Part Of The Wall Between Us…

I downloaded your book and me and my ex talked for an hour and a half. IT was the first time we talked since November of last year! I followed the instructions in the book and am happy with the fact that we were able to just talk even though no progress was made as far as getting back together yet. She is still living with her boyfriend, but I feel like we broke part of the wall between us.
If this book helps me to get her back, I will drive to Arkansas and personally shake your hand! So, on that note, hopefully I’ll see ya soon! :)
Will in Concord, NC

Married And Happier Than Ever…

Thanks Tdub, I listened to a couple of your emails and used them with my former ex and now we are married and happier than ever you are a God and I owe a lot of this to you.
Thanks man.

Have A Date This Friday…

Well, My ex and I are talking a little bit more now. He text me yesterday and said that he missed me. He also told me he still loves me. And we have a date this Friday…[removed due to personal nature]

Most Informative…

hey Tdub! how’s it goin’? i watched your video, and i must say, it’s the most *and you’re the most* informative person i know when it comes to what to do about a break up.

Back Together In One Week…

I did buy the book, and got back together in one week. [removed due to personal nature]

Ex Flying Back From England!

Hi there! Wishing you a very happy Christmas too! Thank you so much for your help, your ideas really managed to open my eyes and to see you from another perspective!!i never used to think of it that way. I have learned a lot about myself too, and i now know how to speak to him whilst keeping in control of the situation at the same time. My ex and i had a long distance relationship and he is flying over to see me here in England to try and sort all this mess out!
Regards and many thanks

4 Stages of Emotions Following a Break Up

Love is such an amazing emotion that makes life meaningful and happy.  When you are in a loving relationship you are on top of the world and going through the happiest time of your life.  But what if that relationship turns sour?  Unfortunately, even the best of relationships will have some issues and if they aren't resolved they can lead to the end of the relationship.  A person can go from being on top of the world to being on the bottom of the earth when their relationship reaches break up point.
When your relationship breaks up your heart is broken and the pain you feel is incredibly sharp and real.  Everyone reacts differently to relationship break ups and some will cope better than others.  Here are the general stages that one will experience when going through a relationship break up.
Stage One:  When your relationship comes to an end you will feel shock.  If you knew there was trouble and a break up was heading your way then the shock might not be as great, but there will still be some degree of shock.  If you were still happy in the relationship but your partner ended it out of the blue, then the shock you will feel will be very strong.

Stage Two:  The second stage of a break up is when you refuse to believe that the relationship is over.  Perhaps you have been in denial that there have been any problems occurring within your relationship and don't want to accept that the relationship is now over.  You might try to convince yourself that it is just a temporary setback that you will be able to resolve.  Unfortunately, if your partner has broken off the relationship then it might be too late to resolve any problems that have been building up over time.
Stage Three:  Next you might begin to experience some depression.  Feeling depressed is a completely normal reaction following a relationship break up.  No-one enjoys ending a relationship and even if you are the partner that chose to end the relationship you will still experience sadness at the end of this major stage of your life.  It is best to try and move on and keep yourself busy so you don't spend all your time thinking about it.
Stage Four:  The last stage of emotions following a break up is acceptance.  Although it can take time to reach this stage, once you accept that the relationship is over then you can move on with your life.  Be happy that you were able to experience a loving relationship for a short time and put the relationship and the break up down to experience.  This whole experience will make you stronger and help you grow into the person you are today.  Once you have accepted that the relationship is over then you can move on and be open to meeting someone new.

buy magic of making up

lördag 30 mars 2013

Do You Know If Your Relationship Is On the Rocks?

No-one wants a relationship to end and if it does it can sometimes come as a big shock, leaving you feeling confused and not sure why it happened. A break up can leave you feeling betrayed, rejected and can really put a dent in your self-confidence.
After a break up you will often find yourself wondering why it happened and what you could have done to save the relationship. You will begin to ask yourself what you did wrong and what you could have done differently. All those ‘what if’ questions will start running through your mind.
Some relationships, even after a break up, can manage to repair the damage and get back on track. But it really is much easier to save a relationship if you can prevent it from reaching break up stage. As soon as you see any signs of trouble in a relationship you need to act fast to resolve it.
You can only take steps to resolve any issues if you are aware that there are issues. If you can recognize the warning signs of a relationship in trouble then you have a good chance of repairing it and preventing a break up from happening. It really is essential to know what signs to look for so you can save your relationship before it’s too late.
Let’s take a look at some of the common warning signs of a break up.
Is your partner avoiding you? If your relationship has reached the stage when your partner seems to be spending more time with his mates than he does with you then this can be a warning sign that trouble is pending. Is your partner avoiding your phone calls? Is your partner avoiding spending any romantic time with you? Has he increased his night out with the boys from once a week to three or four times a week? A yes answer to these questions is a strong warning sign that your relationship is in strife.

Has communication between you and your partner become uncomfortable or non-existent? A happy relationship needs to have good communication so if it seems that you are having trouble communicating with your partner then there might be something to worry about. Lack of communication goes hand in hand with the avoidance issue – if you’re partner is heading off to bed early rather than sit and watch a movie with you, then he is avoiding you and avoiding communication.
Do you seem to be arguing more than normal? All relationships have some problems and there will be arguments from time to time; that is completely normal. No two people can agree 100% about absolutely everything; it is just human nature to disagree about some issues. The problem comes when there seems to be more and more arguing and less and less normal conversation. There is also the severity of the arguments and whether they have changed from general arguing to very hostile arguing. Your relationship may be in trouble if you find that arguments have become a regular occurrence and your partner seems to be picking fights quite a lot. Sometimes prior to a breakup a person may pick fights because it helps them to justify their intentions when they do finally make the break and end the relationship.
Avoidance, lack of communication and a lot of arguing are three big warning signs that your relationship is in trouble. If you are aware of these signs and notice them soon enough then you can work toward resolving any problems and saving your relationship.

buy magic of making up

fredag 29 mars 2013

Ending a Relationship is Never Easy

Ending a relationship can be really difficult and you don't want it to be any more upsetting than necessary.  If you are considering ending a relationship you might be contemplating the best way to do it, but is there really a right way?
Ideally it would be good to end a relationship on good terms and without too much drama and pain.  Unfortunately the ideal ending to a relationship doesn't happen very often, but instead relationships often end in a bad way leaving behind feelings of anger and sadness.  When the break up is drawn out and messy it can leave both parties furious at each other and very bitter.
If you know in your heart that your relationship is over and are just trying to find the right way to end it, then keep in mind that this person is one that you have loved and has shared a big part of your life.  Find the right time to talk to your partner openly and honestly and let them know exactly how you feel.  Let her know your true feelings but don't go blaming her for anything, as soon as you start the blame game that is when it can turn nasty.

If the breakup comes as a shock to your ex then she will have a thousand questions running through her mind, so the more that you can explain to her the better.  By explaining your feelings and your decision to your partner then it will also help you to know in your own mind that you are making the right decision.  If you have been in the relationship for a long time then you really do want to take the time to break it to her gently and not just walk out leaving her wondering what happened.
You never know if you sit down and talk about how you are feeling you might even come up with another solution rather than just ending the relationship completely.  Perhaps you can spend some time apart to think things through and evaluate your situation before making a final decision one way or the other.
Or course this advice above is based on a relationship that has been reasonably happy.  For example, things will be a bit different if you are ending a relationship because your partner is abusive.  If you make the decision to end a relationship that is abusive then it is usually best that you leave the relationship as soon as you can.  Some relationships can be so abusive that a person is too scared to leave for fear that their partner will find them, so you will need to plan your departure carefully and you may need to seek help.
Even if you are the person ending the relationship, you can still feel sadness and loneliness when it is over.  Just remember, that when one door closes another door opens and although the end of a relationship is a sad time, you are now beginning the rest of your life, so enjoy every minute of it.
buy magic of making up

torsdag 28 mars 2013

Advice On How To Effortlessly Save Your Relationship

Relationships always start off happy and full of excitement and there is no better feeling than that ‘new relationship’ feeling. Your first fight is terrible because it recognizes a sign of maturity in a relationship and that new feeling is fading. Then if you start to feel that your relationship is in trouble; that can just be absolutely devastating.
As soon as you start seeing some signs of trouble in your relationship you can start to panic and might even start acting and thinking irrationally – which really doesn’t help the situation one bit. How you act now can make or break your relationship so if you really want to save this amazing relationship then the following tips might be useful to you.
What is the Problem in the Relationship?
The first step to saving a relationship is to identify the cause of the problems that you are having. All relationships will have some problems but some problems are worse than others and these problems are the ones that can break a relationship if they aren’t resolved. Even the small issues are worth working at getting resolved as even though they are small, they can build up over time and become the cause of a failed relationship. So to save your relationship and your love for your partner, it is important to identify any problems and work through them together.

Talk to Your Partner about the Problem.
A relationship is a two person journey and you can’t solve all problems on your own. So if there is a problem in your relationship you will need to sit down with your partner and discuss it, don’t just try to resolve the issue yourself. By talking about any problems that you have then you can both work toward solving the problem and saving your relationship.
Do You and Your Partner Still Love Each Other?
A relationship won’t work without love to hold it together and sometimes people just fall out of love. Love is a very powerful tool and if you both still love each other then you should be able to use that tool to save your relationship. If your love for each other has died off then it may be time to say goodbye, but if there is still a glimmer of love then your relationship has hope.
It is possible to save a relationship that has problems if you can keep the above tips in mind. Love is a two way street and you both need to feel love toward each other and be committed to saving your relationship. If your partner doesn’t want to be in the relationship at all then you can’t force him to stay, but if he does still love you then there will always be hope. Stay calm, look at the problems rationally and work them out together.
Ps. FREE video! Grab a free and comprehensive blueprint on how to make up instead of break up from the man that has helped over 50 000 people in 77 countries - just click here

måndag 25 mars 2013

Why Am I Still In Love - My Ex May Not Love Me

Falling in love is a funny thing. Sometimes it seems to happen in an instant, other times it takes longer, and other times you don't even realize just how much in love you were until after you have both gone your separate ways. If the last one sounds familiar then you may be asking, "why am I still in love with my ex?" There isn't an easy answer to that question, but let's take a look at some things you should consider.

A good first step is to change the question you are asking yourself. Instead of asking why you are still in love with your ex, ask yourself if you are really in love with them or not. What may be happening is that you are missing the relationship itself, and not the person you were with. There is something comforting about being in a routine. Once that routine comes to an end it causes a lot of stress. That stress isn't what causes the feelings of affection, but stress makes it easy to incorrectly identify what your real feelings are. So, take the time to figure out what you're really feeling before making any assumptions.

Assuming you have determined that you do, indeed, still love your ex then you should know that you are not alone. As mentioned earlier, falling in love is a funny thing. It is very rare that both people in a relationship fall in love with each other at the exact same time; one or the other will feel love first. The same is true of falling out of love. While your ex may have fallen out of love with you, you still have strong feelings for them.

At this point you have two options. You can either hope that your ex will fall back in love with you, or you can try to stop loving your ex. Only you know which one is the best solution for you and your situation. Be careful here! Your first reaction will be to answer quickly, but that's a mistake. Take the time to reflect on the answer. Consider your motivations behind the answer. Do your best to be honest with yourself and what's really going on.

If you finally decide it will be best to try to patch things up and have your ex fall in love with you again, then you need to be prepared to take the needed steps to make that happen. Remember, your ex will change their feelings at a different pace than you will. This means you need to give them the time they need to give the relationship another chance.

On the other hand, if you decide it's best to move on and let your feelings fade for your ex, then you need to start doing so as soon as you can. The quicker you can get over these feelings and move on, the better. That way, the next time you find that you're asking yourself, "why am I still in love with my ex?", you can answer by saying, "I'm not. I have moved on to a brighter and better future!"
Ps. FREE video! Grab a free and comprehensive blueprint on how to make up instead of break up from the man that has helped over 50 000 people in 77 countries - just click here

söndag 24 mars 2013

How To Get Over Someone You Love - Time Helps

Going through a breakup is never an enjoyable experience. It doesn't matter which side of the break up you're on, and it doesn't matter how amicable it seemed to be; it's still a relationship coming to an end. No matter how long you were together, you had time to build up real feelings for the other person, and now you want to know how to get over someone you still love. I'm going to be honest, it won't always be easy, but it is possible.

Before we start looking at the specific steps you can take to get over someone after a break up, let's take a look at why that's so important to do. It's important because you are going to have to move on. You will eventually meet somebody new (or maybe you have already). The new person in your life deserves your full affections and shouldn't have to compete with the feelings you have for someone else. Okay, now on to ways to get over your ex.

The first thing to do is think about any of the times you were treated poorly. Did your ex ever put you down? Did they ever intentionally ignore your thoughts or feelings? Were they abusive? This step can be painful, but the goal is to show yourself that they maybe didn't love you as much as you thought they did. This makes it easier to stop feeling as though they should be loved back.

You also need to give things some time. The more time that passes after your break up, the less affection you should be feeling. Unfortunately, sometimes the opposite is true. It seems that the longer we are separated, the stronger our love for the other person becomes. Don't let that happen to you.

Another thing that will help to answer the question of how to get over someone you still love is to accept that it's over. Your ex has already moved on. What you had may have been special, but there will be somebody else who will be even more special. Living in a fantasy world where your ex and you will be happy again isn't going to help get your feelings back in check. Therefore, it's best to accept reality and move ahead with your life.

Refocusing is another method of getting over an ex. People’s emotions can run high after a break up. This can actually amplify your feelings of love. The problem is that they are focused on the wrong person. So, if you can change the target of your affection, it will help you to get over the other person.

How to get over someone you still love is not always the easiest thing to do, no question. Relationships are complicated, and getting over them takes time. However, by following the tips above, you will soon be over your ex and be able to start living your life. After all, no matter what has happened in the past, you still deserve to be happy.
Ps. FREE video! Grab a free and comprehensive blueprint on how to make up instead of break up from the man that has helped over 50 000 people in 77 countries - just click here

lördag 23 mars 2013

4 Tips about dating sites

The Internet can be a place where you find true love. But if you create a profile on a dating site, it is very important for you to keep your eyes open. You risk being tied to a subscription that you may find it hard to get out of again.

Read The Sites Terms of Use

It is important that you read the dating site's terms carefully before you create a subscription.

Examine among other things, how long you lock yourself into that particular dating service. You should be certain to Double Check for a cancellation clause. Some of the places you can find the cancellation clause may be varied and difficult to see.

It could be buried in the "Terms of Use" page, it could be hidden under the purchase button in a very light shade of grey or even in the confirmation e-Mail you receive. However you should find that the vast majority of legitimate on line dating sites will make this information very easy to find.


If you can not find clear and adequate information on the time period, the price and the cancellation notice period, be careful not to join the site.

Check others' experiences with the site

It's also a good idea to check online whether other users have good or bad experiences with the site.

Consumer advocates, various State and country agencies, including State and Country Attorney Generals, have received complaints from consumers who have reported that after creating a free profile, on a dating site, they must upgrade to a paid membership to read messages from other users. In many cases these messages are auto-generated and or tailored to match what the consumer was looking for when meeting another member.

However, by reading the auto-generated messages, on the site, while thinking it was free, the consumer was automatically upgraded to a paying membership or was told to upgrade to read the messages. And when they did they were locked into a long term membership.

Once this was done, they found it extremely difficult to get out of the subscription when trying to cancel and get their money back. There have also been examples of the profile suddenly appearing on multiple sites because the owner of the site for marketing purposes has several sites with different names.

Cancellation and Refunds

Depending on the dating site, you basically have from 14 to 30 days to cancel, when you subscribe on the web or your mobile phone. In other words you can cancel the service anytime during the time period. However, as stated above you may find your self being charged for a full month, if you read the site's messages to you. So be careful! read the entire "terms of use" and know what it is going on

Create a free profile on a dating site, you may find that you need to upgrade to a paid membership to read messages from other users, and it also means that you waive the opportunity to withdraw from the contract. Always read the terms carefully before you upgrade your membership.

Rights to images

Please also note that if you give the rights to the images/pictures you upload to your profile, you may run the risk of giving, that dating site, to use the images in their marketing.

Avoiding scams in search of love isn't difficult. You just need to make sure you read the terms of use and know what you are signing up for and the permissions you are giving to the dating site.
Ps. FREE video! Grab a free and comprehensive blueprint on how to make up instead of break up from the man that has helped over 50 000 people in 77 countries - just click here

fredag 22 mars 2013

3 Tips About A Boyfriend Break Up

Did you wake up this morning with a devastating heart ache? Perhaps you're experiencing a monumental "hangover" headache and you don't even drink. Did you dread looking in the mirror, because you know what you're going to look like? There is a very good chance you have if you have ever had a boyfriend break up.

Frankly there are many things in your relationship that could have brought forth the breakup. However, you and I are going to concentrate on just three of them today.

1. Cheating with another woman:

Are you even sure you know what cheating is or what it actually involves? When you set down and began to examine the event that brought about the ending of the relationship, there are several question to ask yourself.

Was he texting a female you didn't know about? If so was it someone at work and the text involved work. That could be a legitimate and perfectly innocent relationship and does not even qualify as cheating.

Does it mean he was having an ongoing sexual relationship with someone from his past? Yes! That definitely is out and out cheating on your relationship. Are you so jealous that when he even glances at another woman, you expect he is cheating on you?

As you can see there are many definitions for cheating. Therefore you need to be perfectly clear in your mind what your definition is about cheating prior to breaking up with your boyfriend.

Now I'm going to throw a little curve at you from out of nowhere. Prior to starting your "steady" relationship, did you and he talk about what each of you expected in your romance?

You may be really surprised by his explanation when you do the boyfriend breakup thing, when he just looked at another woman or was texting someone at work. When this happens you may need to decide if your expectations were out of the so called norm. One thing about it though, is when you really think about it you may have to decide if you want to breakup with the boyfriend or continue with the overall realationship.

2.Long distance love affairs:

You can almost bet when your trying to maintain a long distance relationship it is painful, extremely difficult and almost always ends in a boyfriend breakup; unless both of you are fully committed to making it work. If your not committed get prepared because the breakup is likely going to be just around the corner.

It is very likely you have seen more than one person experience this phenomenon.It really seems to be prevalent in the college age young people. Many of them had relationships in high school that carried forward into the early college years. However, when the schools were hours or miles apart and studies, social events and loneliness cuts in the boyfriend break up can occur.  

3. Lifestyle changes:

What if your beau has become a real pain in the butt? It just might be the perfect time to change your life. Even though the boyfriend doesn't want to break up you may have to be the one, who takes the bull by the horns, and does the breaking up.

Oftentimes as you mature and put on a few more years your thinking, goals and social approaches may change and often do. You may just be finding yourself not even wanting a permanent partner. And frankly there is nothing wrong with spreading your social wings.

Take the time to dig into your heart, mind and soul to see if the boyfriend breakup maybe exactly what you need right now. Yes both you and your significant other may hurt when the breakup takes place, but both of you maybe made of some very strong stuff and find out it's the best thing that ever happened to you.

Tips About A Boyfriend Break Up - FREE video - Click Here

torsdag 21 mars 2013

Don't Judge a Woman by Her Looks!

I know this tip may sound very cliche, but it's true. At some point or another we're all guilty of judging something, or someone, based on appearance alone. While it's not right, we still seem to have that tendency to be superficial. This type of behavior can be very detrimental when it comes to seducing a woman. Women like to be appreciated for who they are, not what they look like. Even those women who have great physical beauty don't necessarily want to be judged on that characteristic alone.

Women keep the thought in the back of their mind that one day they may want to have a child. If and when they become pregnant, look at all the changes their body goes through. The mere fact that their body has to expand at a very rapid pace to accommodate the growth of the baby is frightening. And the knowledge that their figure may never be the same is equally frightening.

Another thought that women have is that eventually we all get older and less youthful in appearance. We know that in general, a man is considered more distinguished looking when his hair takes on the salt and pepper look, whereas women merely look old. A few wrinkles on a man are no big deal, but for women the first sign of a wrinkle is cause to consider bo-tox treatment, or more. Society has made women terribly self conscious. Bear in mind when considering what you truly believe is important in a woman. If looks is top on your list it will surely lead to a very dissatisfying experience for you, and your woman.
Let me give you a live example of having looks at the top of your list of qualities, a woman must have. My son's first wife was a beautiful young woman on the outside, but lacked certain traits on the inside that my son was looking for. Within a few short months the lack of these traits began to have an impact on their marriage. And the longer the marriage went on the harder the marriage came for both of them. Unfortunately within less than two years they divorced. Thank goodness there were no children involved.

Two years later my son married a woman who had a more normal physical appearance. However, she had an overabundance of "beautiful traits" on the inside. It quickly became apparent in their marriage that they were very compatible and were happy together.

I'm not trying to say that you have to resolve to be happy with someone you find utterly unattractive. Women all have preferences in looks, personality and many other traits that we have to abide by. It's a matter of compatibility. But what women do have to take into consideration is that attraction is not just a matter of physical appearance. So take the time to find out what's inside before you discount women based on what's outside.
Ps. FREE video! Grab a free and comprehensive blueprint on how to make up instead of break up from the man that has helped over 50 000 people in 77 countries - just click here

onsdag 20 mars 2013

Don't Just SAY You're Sorry – Prove It

The words, "I'm sorry" can get us out of trouble when we've done something wrong or hurt someone we care about but the key to a good apology is really meaning it and convincing the other person that you are truly remorseful.  Apologizing just for the sake of keeping the peace is not an effective way to apologize.  In doing so the recipient of the apology will most likely see through you and realize that your apology is insincere.  A sincere and well timed apology, however, will help to mend the relationship that was harmed by your words or actions. 

The most important way to prove that you are truly sorry for hurting someone is to ensure that the hurtful action is not repeated.  Apologizing over and over while continuing to make the same mistake shows that your apology is not really sincere.  On the other hand if you really mean that you are sorry for an action you will take careful steps not to repeat this action.  Apologizing for your actions is one thing but being cautious not to repeat your actions really proves that you are indeed sorry. 

Being specific regarding the reason for your apology also really proves that you are sorry.  Many people are quick to offer an apology when they realize someone is upset with them but often they don’t take the time to figure out why the other person is upset.  Apologizing without stating the reason for the apology shows that you don’t understand the problem and that you aren’t sincere in your apology.  This is not an effective way to make an apology.  However, if you offer a specific reason for your apology you are proving that you understand what you did to hurt the other person and that do not want to repeat that action.

Another way to prove that your apology is authentic is to be sure to offer the apology in person.  Having a third party speak to the person you have offended or apologizing via email or voice mail conveys a lack of caring.  This kind of apology shows that you aren't truly sorry for your actions.  Meeting with the person face to face to have a sincere conversation and offer your apology is one way to really prove that you are sorry.  It shows that you care enough about the other person to meet with them directly to try to make amends for your contributions to the disagreement. 
In apologizing, if you want to prove that you really mean it, be careful not to place blame on the person you are apologizing to.  Your apology is about telling the other person why you believe that you did something wrong.  While they may have contributed to the situation, now is not the time to point out their faults.  Instead take full responsibility for what you have done wrong.  Accepting full responsibility for your actions and apologizing for them without placing blame on the other person will prove that your apology is sincere.
A genuine apology will also include telling the other person why your actions were wrong and how you intend to avoid hurting them in the future.  Doing this proves to them not only that you understand you were wrong but that you understand why you were wrong.  It also lets them know that you have already formulated a plan of action to ensure that this situation does not arise in the future. 

The timing of your apology can also help to prove that you really are sorry.  Waiting too long to apologize may show that you don't really care and that you are simply apologizing as an afterthought.  An apology that is made too early may risk being ignored because the recipient of the apology is still too upset to listen to what you are saying. 

It's important to give the other person a chance to vent their anger and calm down before rushing to apologize.  After a reasonable amount of time approach them and let them know that you understand their anger and believe that it is justified and that you wanted to give them a chance to calm down before apologizing. 

Sometimes it is not enough to simply apologize for your words or actions.  It is often necessary to not only apologize but to also prove that your apology is sincere.  A truly sincere apology proves that you are sorry by addressing the issue and acknowledging what you have done wrong while validating the other person’s right to be angry and addressing how you will avoid similar actions in the future.
Ps. FREE video! Grab a free and comprehensive blueprint on how to make up instead of break up from the man that has helped over 50 000 people in 77 countries - just click here

tisdag 19 mars 2013

5 Dating Etiquette Tips For A Comfortable Date

1. Be Yourself:

When you go on a date there are certain things and ways you should behave. Of course you want the person to get to know you so you shouldn't try and be someone that you are not. This is extremely important and should be your number one priority.

Simply ask yourself this question, "Do I really want to start this date off with a lie or being someone I'm not?" Always remember either situation can come back to bite you later. Especially if you find out this is someone you would really like to have a meaningful relationship with.

2. Personal Appearance:

When you go out on a date you should look and dress nice. Make an effort to dress appropriately for the type of date you're going on. This will show the other person you care about your appearance but you also care about what they think about you. If you don't care about what the
other person thinks then you probably shouldn't be going out on a date with them in the first place.

3. Prior To The Date:

Depending on the person you are taking out you should also remember to open the car doors and all doors for your date.

If the woman you are going out with is a feminist, then let her open the doors and do things for herself or it will bother her. She also will want to pay for her own meal.

If you are not going on a date with an independent woman who is a feminist then you should open the doors, be on time when you pick her up, and be prepared to pay for the entire date.

4. Can you afford the date:

As you well know in today's economy many prices have gone up,  in restaurants, places of entertainment and especially night clubs and bars. Don't take your date somewhere you cannot afford and never find yourself asking your date for money to cover the bill. This may well put you into the most embarrassing spot you have ever been. Think about this? What if your date only had a few dollars for an emergency?

And suddenly you find yourself and your date explaining to a police officer why you were trying to stiff the restaurant or place of entertainment. In some cities and towns you can be charged with a misdemeanor or even higher. To avoid this situation simply take a few minutes to call the places where you are planning on taking your date.

5. Asking Your Date Questions:

Dating etiquette also includes not making the other person feel as if they are on an interview. It is common for people on a date to ask many questions as they just want to get to know the other person.
However, don't make them feel as if they are on an interview or you might scare them off. Be sure to create a comfortable atmosphere.

In conclusion dating etiquette can make the difference if the date is a fun and exciting date or a complete dud. The majority of the time you won't  have to think about it, as you will just do it naturally.
 Ps. Learn all about Relations in this FREE Video!

måndag 18 mars 2013

Why Fantasies Are Actually Healthy For a Relationship

This is a great and useful article for you that i wrote for EzineArticles about what i think
is one very important issue that affect our life in many ways.
Ps. My own favourite resource which can help you within this subject is available by clicking on this link.


As about why fantasies are actually healthy for a relationship I will begin telling you my own story. It all started out as almost every relationship almost on a bed of roses but gradually I found out that those roses had thorns to. Easy to say I really was no good copying on that side of a relationship meaning that every problem that rose up in our deep blue sky I neither faced it or talked about it. Neglecting it as long as possible became my way to "solve problems" which initially seemed to work but instead of going away things just became worse. Coming back to the title about fantasies I think it´s a key point to consider because we often start out with very positive fantasies of how our new love will be and also how our relationship will be, often more positive than realistic. Such fantasies are far from good in the long run but they are actually essential for a relationship in the beginning because otherwise we may not have had the courage to even consider to flirt with her at all. But if we use our fantasies to also see a positive solution possible when we discover the thorns it will help us. It´s easy to be negative and reject our own part of a dispute which make us self-imposed victims and therefore without quilt. Or as I did pretend everything´s alright which in the end will lead to a fight.
So what is there to do? I have a few good starting points here:
#1 is we both carry at least half of the problem.
#2 is listen more than you speak.
#3 is that the actual subject we disagree on is not every time the real issue.
#4 is to confirm your spouse; look her in the eyes and say you love her.
#5 is to be yourself from the beginning, show your genuine self.
Sometimes though and for different reasons things are going completely out of control and a solution seems out of reach. My experience is that it´s almost impossible to get through to each other when carry hurt feelings. It just has to lay low for a time until the smoke has cleared the air after the "explosion". At that time it is very wise to get some professional help for example therapy about relationship in some form; there´s some good resources both online and "offline" so to say. In closing I would like to say stick to what you have and take your part of the responsibility both for the good and the bad!

Would you like to know more? Check out this site for more information about the above topic!
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What A Good Quiz For A Relationship Can Reveal

Can a quiz for a relationship really tell you anything you don’t already know? The answer is often yes, but you have to make sure you’re taking a well designed quiz created by someone with some real credentials. Find one of those and there are some very interesting things you can learn about what’s in store for your relationship.

Overall compatibility.

Don’t feel like relying on your horoscope to guide you to your soul mate? A good quiz for a relationship may not be able to tell you where your soul mate is, but it can give you an idea whether or not the person you’re with now might be it. Quiz results can give you insight into important factors like compatibility of beliefs, habits, and long-term goals.

Healthy or not?

If you’ve ever been stuck in an unhealthy relationship that involved physical or psychological abuse, no doubt you never want to be in one again. The worst thing about these situations is that it’s often hard to see where things are headed until its too late.

That’s where a quiz for a relationship comes in. By asking the right questions, a relationship quiz can help you pick up on early warning signs that you and your partner may not only be incompatible, but may actually be in an unhealthy situation. 

Eternal love or dead end?

No matter how crazy you are about each other right now, you can never be 100% sure it will last. You can, however, get some idea whether when you have a good chance or you’re doomed to break up, though. Questions about how you envision the future with your partner and what kinds of plans you’ve made together can give you a fair amount of insight into this.

What problems are in store?

Yep, every relationship has some problems. Having an idea about what yours might be gives you a chance to head them off before they get too serious. A well designed quiz for a relationship uses questions that help you zero in on potential problems that could grow into something big.

The quiz does this by asking things like how you deal with your partner’s annoying habits, what causes of any moments of tension between you, and what emotions seem to characterize your relationship.

How others see you!

Even if there aren’t any problems between you, your relationship could still face pressure from outside forces. It might be due to difference in age, race, social status, or any number of things you overlook when you’re deeply in love. Unfortunately, your family and close friends may not overlook these things and constant criticism from them puts a strain on the relationship. You need to be aware of what social problems you might run into so you can discuss how you’re going to handle them.

A quiz for a relationship can tell you a lot about what you and your partner you have to look forward to in the near future. Just remember, though, no two relationships are the same, so no matter how accurate the test, be ready for a few surprises all the same.

Ps. Do you need some really good advice absolutely free read this.

Take A Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend Quiz

A “should I break up with my boyfriend” quiz is something a person doesn’t take unless she has doubts about the relationship. If you’re considering taking such a quiz, you might not need the quiz to tell you the answer. If you’re unhappy, or you don’t think he treats you right, you shouldn’t worry about taking a “should I break up with my boyfriend” quiz. You already know.

But if you want to take such a quiz, they can open your eyes to some things in your relationship. A “should I break up with my boyfriend” quiz usually has multiple choice questions that offer up several different scenarios for each question.

If you take the quiz, just on a whim, and realize that most of the answers you choose show the relationship or the boyfriend isn’t ideal, that can get you thinking about your boyfriend and about how things should change. So if you’re happy with the way things are, you might want to skip the quiz.

On the other hand, you might want to compare your relationship with what the quiz considers to be a good and bad relationship. Of course, you have to keep in mind that many of these quizzes are put together more as a joke than anything else.

If it’s a “should I break up with my boyfriend” quiz you find online, especially at a site where you can take quiz after quiz on almost any subject, then beware. Anyone can make those quizzes. You could make one advising people when to break up, too. They’re just based on what one person thinks.

If it’s a quiz from a magazine and was created by someone with actual human relations or relationship expertise, then you can take the results a little more seriously. But even if the quiz appears to be completely sincere, you shouldn’t break up with your boyfriend only based on the quiz results.

If you’re taking the quiz for fun, definitely discount any answers you get. If you’re taking it because you have doubts and you wonder if you should break up with your boyfriend, then pay a little closer attention. Read your results carefully to decide if it’s really accurate for your situation.

These quizzes aren’t designed to actually tell you what to do when it comes to your boyfriend. They’re designed more to give you a guidelines about how things should be in your relationship under certain circumstances.

If your answers vary far from what the quiz author believes to be what is healthy and normal in a good relationship, you might want to examine things a little closer and see what you can do to help the situation.

Everything wrong in the relationship won’t be entirely your boyfriend’s fault, after all. A good relationship really does take two. And if you wanted to take the quiz to start with, if you think about it you’ll probably realize that it didn’t take a “should I break up with my boyfriend” quiz to tell you what you needed to know.

Ps. You should really read this to!

Reasons For A Boyfriend Break Up

Have you had a boyfriend break up?  Maybe you were the one calling it quits.  Or, perhaps he dumped you.  Maybe it was a so called “mutual decision.”  In any case, sometimes a boyfriend break up is devastating.

There are many reasons for a boyfriend break upI’m going to look at three in this article.

The first reason is that he cheated on you.  You need to be very clear in your mind what cheating means.  Does that mean that he actually went out on a date with another girl?  Does it mean that he was making out with her at a party?  Does it mean that he danced with another girl?  Does it mean that he simply looked at one?  Defining what you mean by cheating can be very important.

If you have never had a talk about what “exclusiveness” in your relationship means, he may have had no idea that you would consider what he did cheating.  He may even be stunned that you would consider a boyfriend break up over that!

If you want to take him back, then you need to have a talk about expectations.  If he can agree to the expressed rules, you can get back together.  If they’re not something he can live with, then you are better off without him in the long run.

Another reason for a boyfriend break up is that you move in different places.  Sometimes this happens in a physical sense.  For instance, your family moves to another state or you and he go to colleges in different locations.  Most relationships cannot survive a great distance in geography and the break up may be mutual, but still painful.

Other times this happens because you start to move in different social spheres in the same place.  You may join the cheerleading squad and he’s not comfortable with your new friends, for instance.  Or, he gets serious about a religious preference that you have no interest in.  When this happens, it is just time to move on.

Finally, a boyfriend break up can occur when you need a different kind of lifestyle.  You may just be tired of having to cater to a boy’s needs ahead of your own, for instance.  Or, you may be bored with him.  He may have seemed glamorous and exciting at first, but now he’s just a pain.  You may have thought you needed a boyfriend because all of your other friends were pairing up, but now you realize that you need your own space and are not ready for a relationship.

In this case, the guy may agree with you or he may try to win you back.  But, make sure you put your own needs first.

Keep in mind that there are plenty of other guys out there who are eager to have a girl like you, so there’s no need to have a relationship that isn’t working for you.  Although it may hurt at first, you will survive a boyfriend break up.

Ps. More useful tips here!

Proven Ways Of Mending A Broken Heart

The best part about being a human, is the ability to actually deeply care about and love someone.  To be in love is probably one of the greatest emotions we can experience.  When you're in a relationship and everything is going well, it's sometimes easy to take the relationship for granted. 

Unfortunately, relationships, even the ones you thought were going smoothly, can come to an abrupt end.  While truly caring about someone and loving them is great and a source of pleasure, when the relationship is over it can be a huge source of pain, sorrow, and a broken heart.  If the break up is recent, you may not believe it, but there are things you can do to begin mending a broken heart.

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill, potion, lotion, or method for instantly mending a broken heart.   It is imperative that you understand this.  After a break up, there will be times when your emotions are going to be up, down, sideways, diagonal, and every other way, but right.

In fact, you'll probably experience combination's of emotions you never thought possible.  One example is anger and sadness mixed together.  You'll find that sometimes your emotions can change at the drop of a hat.  You'll be feeling fine, laughing one minute, the next you'll be really sad, even crying.   The most important thing you have to realize is that it all seems bleak and dark now.  However, as time presses on, things will get better. 

It is critical that you try to reign in your emotions.  Does this mean you should bottle up your emotions?  No, absolutely not.  However, it does mean that you shouldn't let your sadness, anger, depression, or any other emotion control you for long periods of time. If you're feeling sad, allow yourself to have a “pity party” for a maximum of 15 minutes.  Then, say to yourself “Okay, that's enough.  It's time to stop.

Mending a broken heart is also going to require you to try and stay busy.  If you give your mind a lot of idle time to think, it will probably want to think about your break up.  This isn't good.  Try to keep your mind and body active.  You probably won't feel like doing this very much, but its important.   Go somewhere, do something, try to drag friends along.  Tell them to not let you talk about the break up.  Try not to sit around the house and do nothing.  That's the worst thing you can do.

Falling in love is usually the easy part.  Mending a broken heart is not.  That's just one of the cruel realities of life.  Everything has an equal and an opposite.  The wonderful, uplifting, feelings you get from being in love, are the exact opposite to the miserable, depression and sadness, that go along with a break up.  Time, an active lifestyle, happy thoughts, and good friends will get you through this tough time.

Ps. Dont forget this!!

Relationship Breakups - How To Stay Friends

Relationship breakups don’t always mean that the person you’re breaking up with needs to be cut completely out of your life. Many people continue to have warm and satisfying friendships with their exes by making sure that their relationship breakups are done without hurting anyone more than necessary.

There are situations where you know that you don’t really want that person to continue to be in your life. Maybe things that happened during the relationship are just too painful. You feel like you can’t forgive him or her for what they did.

You might be surprised later on once the initial hurt has passed at how differently you feel. While the chances that you would want to get back together with that person are slim, you might discover you really miss having him or her in your life.

This is never more true than when your ex was your friend first. When you had a great friendship and that lead to a romantic relationship, relationship breakups don’t just end the romance, but now you’ve lost that great friendship, too.

It doesn’t have to be that way, though, if the other person wants to keep you in his or her life, too. The only way to find this out is to have a conversation about it. You might be in for a pleasant surprise to discover that your ex still wants to be friends, too.

If you talk to your boyfriend, though, and he has an attitude or is angry and doesn’t want to continue a friendship, then accept it but don’t burn any bridges. Don’t go out with an attitude or become insulting.

There’s always the chance that he can’t see past the hurt and anger he’s feeling, and could change his mind later. But if you throw a few parting shots to make the pain and hurt even worse, you might be sabotaging your chances of having this person as a friend later.

Relationship breakups are never easy, and it’s not necessarily easy to stay friends afterwards. This is true even if you were best friends before you began the romantic relationship. When you’re in a romance with someone, that person knows intimate details about you and your life.

And after a breakup, some people might see those tidbits of information as weapons. It’s very easy to insult someone in a way that you know will really hurt them when you’re hurting, too. The desire to lash out or to protect yourself by striking the first verbal blow is a natural emotional response.

No one knows the little details that can wound you quite as deeply as someone you’ve been in a relationship with. If your ex uses these little things to hurt you, try to keep it in perspective. Yes, it’s painful, but he’s coming from a place of anger, too.

Don’t fight back like that. Take the high road, and be respectful. Even if your relationship breakups don’t end in you remaining friends, you’ll feel better for not making the situation even worse.

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